Constantly we hear about how hard our lives have become, how much we need of a change that can bring us to a life of joy, harmony, peace and love. But, where can we find how to produce such a change? It all starts with 'wisdom', a wisdom that lies within us; we just have to awaken it!
Join us on Living Life with Wisdom, a series of open lectures at the Albany Gnosis Center starting Tuesday, December 4th, 2012, at 7:00 pm.
Feel free to bring a few friends along...
In peace!
Rene and Laura Barge
Albany Gnosis Center
I will give thanks unto thee, O Light
Sophia, the Holy Wisdom, Russian Icon 1812
"'1. I will give thanks unto thee, O Light,
for thou art a saviour;
thou art a deliverer for all time.
"'2. I will utter this song to the Light,
for it hath saved me and
saved me out of the hand of the rulers, my foes.
"'3. And thou hast preserved me in all the regions,
thou hast saved me
out of the height and the depth of the chaos
and out of the æons of the rulers
of the sphere.
"'4. And when I was come out of the Height,
I wandered round in regions
in which is no light,
and I could not return to the thirteenth æon, my
"'5. For there was no light in me nor power.
My power was utterly
weakened (?).
"'6. And the Light saved me in all my afflictions.
I sang praises unto
the Light,
and it hearkened unto me, when I was constrained.
"'7. It guided me in the creation of the æons
to lead me up into the
thirteenth æon, my dwelling-place.
"'8. I will give thanks unto thee,
O Light, that thou hast saved me,
and for thy wondrous works unto the race of men.
"'9. When I failed of my power, thou hast given me power;
and when I
failed of my light, thou didst fill me with purified light.
"'10. I was in the darkness and in the shadow of the chaos,
bound with
the mighty fetters of the chaos, and no light was in me.
"'11. For I have provoked the commandment of the Light
and have
and I have made wroth the commandment of the Light,
because I had
gone out of my region.
"'12. And when I had gone down,
I failed of my light and became without
and no one had helped me.
"'13. And in my affliction I sang praises unto the Light,
and it saved
me out of my afflictions.
"'14. And it hath also broken asunder all my bonds
and led me up out of
the darkness and the affliction of the chaos.
"'15. I will give thanks unto thee, O Light,
that thou hast saved me
that thy wondrous works have been wrought in the race of men.
"'16. And thou hast shattered the upper gates of the darkness
and the
mighty bolts of the chaos.
"'17. And thou didst let me depart out of the region in which I had
and my light was taken, because I have transgressed.
"'18. And I ceased from my mysteries
and went down to the gates of the
"'19. And when I was constrained, I sang praises to the Light.
It saved
me out of all my afflictions.
"'20. Thou sentest thy stream;
it gave me power and saved me out of all
my afflictions.
"'21. I will give thanks unto thee, O Light,
that thou hast saved me,
and for thy wondrous works in the race of men.'
"This then is
the song which Pistis Sophia hath uttered in the midst of the four-and-twenty
May this Thanksgiving be...
The American Thanksgiving is a day in one
part of the world that gives us cause to remember a glorious virtue. Thanksgiving
is the perfect time for us to reflect on what gratitude, and its lack of, means
to us. How it affects our everyday
lives, and how it affects our civilization.
Master Samael expounds beautifully and in so many ways just
what gratitude is. Repeatedly, he explains the positive effects of this
important virtue. For example in Pistis Sophia Unveiled, we read:
“The force of gratitude makes the plant germinate in the orchard of the gnostic ascetic.The force of gratitude makes the plant bear its fruits.The force of cosmic gratitude makes the universal life fertile.In some way we must express our gratitude to the Creator.Our Intimate God deserves our eternal gratitude.”
All the greatest Masters of all time, Jesus, Buddha,
Krishna, Mohammed, Quetzalcoatl…. all of them have given everything to bring us
the truth of gratitude.
“Let us rise up and be thankful, for if we didn't learn a lot today, at least we learned a little, and if we didn't learn a little, at least we didn't get sick, and if we got sick, at least we didn't die; so, let us all be thankful.”
Festivals for giving thanks have been celebrated since
ancient times and all cultures. The ancient Chinese held a harvest festival
called Chung Ch'ui to celebrate the harvest moon. In the Jewish culture a harvest festival
called Sukkot has been celebrated for 3,000 years. Ancient Egyptians held a
harvest festival in honor of Min, the god of vegetation and fertility. In the
British Isles, the major Thanksgiving forerunner was a harvest festival called
Lammas Day, named for the Old English words for "loaf" and
"mass." Indigenous tribes to this day celebrate a variety of thanks-giving
festivals throughout the year to express their gratitude to the Creator.
May this holiday be an opportunity to cultivate gratitude; may
this holiday be not about one event in history, but an occasion to celebrate that
force within us that is blessing our lives every moment; for our very life is a
Thanks to the Spirit of Fire it is possible to receive the Mysteries and inherit the Kingdom of Light.
- Samael Aun Weor
That Being that is the Mother
"In the beginning there was blackness, only the sea.In the beginning there was no sun, no moon, no people.In the beginning there were no animals, no plants, only the sea.The sea was the Mother.The Mother was not people,she was not anything,nothing at all.She was when she was, Spirit.She was Memory and Possibility.She was Aluna.”
Mamas of the Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta, Colombia
In May, as we celebrate the Mother: Mother Earth, Mother of the
World, Mother of Buddha, Mother of Christ, and all the mothers in the world, we
want to share some words from our beloved Master Samael. Hope this inspires
you, as it does to us, to connect and dwell in Her marvelous mystery.
“Certainly God The Mother is the Foundation of this great Creation. We should identify, more and more each time, with the Eternal Feminine. We should see in each woman the living representation of the Eternal Feminine.…If we bring to mind that one who rocked us in the cradle and nourished us with her bosom when we were kids, we find a poem intimately lived, profound, natural, of an extraordinary simplicity, of a grandeur that always goes unnoticed by all those humanoids that have their consciousness asleep. I want for all of you to become conscious of that which is this lived verse, of that ineffable melody of the Eternal Feminine Principal.…In the eyes of our Devi Kundalini Shakty, our Particular Individual Cosmic Mother, we see the gleam of all the eyes of the innumerable mothers we have had in the past. In Her, our Divine Mother Kundalini, in Her, our particular Isis, are represented the mothers who loved us though the innumerable centuries. Thus, we should truly love our Cosmic Mother, living representation of the Eternal Feminine…All those who have taken care of us through the course of history, all those who lulled us, all those who nourished us, deep down are one and only: She, Isis, whose veil no mortal has lifted, Neith, the Holy God Mother of the World.If we think about that Eternal Feminine God Mother, we have that our Particular Devi Kundalini is a ray of that Holy God Mother of the World. Therefore the Eternal Feminine has taken care of us through so many centuries, has rocked us in so many cradles, She is our Divine Mother who has taken care of us. In Her all the mothers of the world are personified.…If people had an awakened consciousness, they would know better how to value that Being who is the Mother. But people have the consciousness asleep and therefore are incapable of really valuing that creature that is the Mother. Then, each time it is necessary to become more conscious of what the Eternal Feminine is.
Samael Aun WeorExcerpts from the lecture"The Eternal Feminine and its relationship with the Individual Jeshua."
Winter-Spring 2012
In-depth course in Gnostic Esotericism
Practical lectures and classes on Gnosis:
the direct knowledge latent in everyone’s heart!
"The consciousness is our direct connection with our own divinity." Samael Aun Weor |
Classes cover topics like Origins and Foundation of Gnosticism, Gnostic Psychology, Awakening of the Consciousness, Astral Travel, Kabbalah, Alchemy, Meditation, Mysticism, just to name a few.
Each lecture includes a meditation practice and additional exercises that help you apply the timeless teachings of Gnosis, thus entering into a direct relationship with the Divinity that palpitates in your heart!
We invite to join us on Tuesdays 7 PM at the Albany Gnosis Center!
Albany Gnosis Center
6 ormond Street
Albany, NY 12203
Open Lecture
this coming Friday, January 20, 2012, at 7:00 PM
The Zen of Solving Conflicts
Learn how to solve problems intelligently.
Alexander the Great breaks the Gordian Knot |
"The time for us to learn how to solve our problems has arrived. Many problems exist: economic, social, moral, political, religious, family related, etc. and we should learn to solve them intelligently. The important thing to remember for the solution of every problem is to not become identified with the problem..."
"...We need peace and we should study this in depth. We need to investigate the principal factor that puts an end to peace inside and outside ourselves. We need to discover what causes the conflict. The time has arrived to comprehend in depth at all levels of the mind the infinite contradictions which we have within, because that is the principal factor of discord and conflict. By comprehending in depth the cause of an illness, we cure the patient. Knowing in depth the cause of the conflict, we do away with the conflict: peace is the result."
"Within and around us, thousands of conflict-forming contradictions exist. Truly, what exists within us also exists in society, because—as we have said so many times—society is an extension of the individual. If there is contradiction and conflict within us, then these also exist in society."
"The state of contradiction engenders conflict, pain, moral misery, absurd actions, violence, murmuring, lies, gossip, etc. The state of contradiction can never bring us peace in life. A man without peace can never solve his problems. You need to intelligently solve your problems, and therefore it is urgent that you have peace constantly."
"We first need to solve the causes of the contradiction in order to end the conflicts. Only in this manner will peace arrive, and with it the solutions of the problems."
Seated in a comfortable chair or lying down in your bed, close your eyes. Then concentrate on your interior, studying yourself, investigating your desires, your contradictions.
It is necessary for you to comprehend what your contradictory desires are, so that you may know in this manner the causes of your internal conflicts. Peace of mind comes from the knowledge of the causes of the mental conflict. Practice this simple exercise daily. It is necessary that you know yourself. May peace be with you!
From the book Introduction to Gnosis by Samael Aun Weor
The Sincerity of the Soul
The Sincerity of the
The Soul is happy
being, which means being alive, being present, Being!
Yet, to live in connection with the sincerity of the soul does not occur simply by wishing so or thinking about it. That is where the Gnostic Teachings are a jewel of love, guidance and assistance by providing concrete tools to achieve living with the strength and force that the soul has and in accordance with her sincerity, because the faculties or senses of the Soul will go on awakening in the measure in that the work on oneself is loved and applied.
“So, to attain possession of the Soul is a longing; to become the owners of our own Souls is formidable; moreover, the very same physical body must be transformed into Soul.”
Samael Aun Weor
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