“The gnostic should drink the wine of meditation
in the cup of perfect concentration.”
Samael Aun Weor
Our Meditation Chamber offers the balance between the Being and the Knowledge with a meditation technique that is generally guided.
The topics of the program are:
1. Relaxation
2. Rhythmic Breathing
3. Breathing exercises
4. The Science of Meditation
5. Internalization and Concentration
6. The Eternal Feminine and the Inner Christ
7. Egyptian Christic Pranayama
8. Concentration and Meditation
a. The First Thing to Acquire in the Spiritual Path
b. Meditation by Concentrating the Mind in One Point
c. Meditation by Visualization
d. Meditation by Recitation of Mystic Words
e. Self-Observation during Meditation
f. Meditation by Concentrating in Compassionate Thoughts
g. Meditation by Identifying the Essence of the Mind
h. Comprehension and Self-Revelation in Meditation
i. The “Koan” in Meditation
9. The Kundalini
a. The Seven Churches
b. The Hidden Psychology of the Chakras
10. The Heart Center
11. Chinese Master Wu Wen
12. The “Om Masi Padme Hum”
13. The Heart Sutra
14. Practices to Invoke the Venerable Masters of Medicine
15. Practice with the Elementals of the Body
16. The Lords Prayer
17. Imagination
18. Esoteric Discipline of the Mind
19. Dream Yoga
20. Comprehension, Imagination, Inspiration, Intuition and Human Problems
21. Concrete Didactic for the Dissolution of the Ego
a. Intimate Psychoanalysis
22. 10 Rules of Meditation