The Prayer of Thanksgiving

The Prayer of Thanksgiving

We give thanks to You!

Every soul and heart is lifted up to You,

undisturbed name,

honored with the name ‘God’

and praised with the name 'Father',

for to everyone and everything

(comes) the fatherly kindness

and affection and love, and any teaching

there may be that is sweet and plain,

giving us mind, speech, (and) knowledge {GNOSIS}:

mind, so that we may understand You,

speech, so that we may expound You,

GNOSIS, so that we may know You.

We rejoice, having been illuminated by Your knowledge.

We rejoice because You have shown us Yourself.

We rejoice because while we were in (the) body, You have made us divine through Your GNOSIS knowledge.

The thanksgiving of the man who attains to You

 is one thing: that we know You.

We have known You, intellectual light.

Life of life, we have known You.

Womb of every creature, we have known You.

Womb pregnant with the nature of the Father,

we have known You.

Eternal permanence of the begetting Father,

thus have we worshiped Your goodness.

There is one petition that we ask:

we would be preserved in GNOSIS.

And there is one protection that we desire:

that we not stumble in this kind of life.


From the Nag Hammadi Library

We give thanks for

We give thanks for all those who have taken gnosis into their lives and work on transforming themselves.

We give thanks for having friendships united in the love for the Being!

New Gnosis Public Lectures in Albany: GNOSIS, a new vision of life!

 a new vision of life!
learn how to create harmony, peace and balance!

“The circumstances of life depend upon our state of consciousness;
changing our state of consciousness the circumstances change.”

Samael Aun Weor


Starting December 2, 2011

The Art of Living
To learn to live correctly is the objective of the gnostic studies.

What is it? How can we achieve it? Make it last!

Fine Tuning your Thoughts & Emotions,
in order to create a balanced life.

The Sincerity of the Soul
The Soul is happy being: being alive, being present, Being!

The Zen of Solving Conflicts
Learn how to solve problems intelligently.

The Magic of Meditation
Meditation is a powerful tool to create and transform our life.

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