For some special reason

Man's quest to discover a deeper reality. | Anonymous. From L'Atmosphere: métérologie populaire (The Atmosphere: Popular Meterology) Paris, 1888, Camille Flammarion.
We are living in this world for some special reason, for something, by virtue of some special factor… Obviously, within us there is much that we must see, study and comprehend, if we really desire to know something about ourselves, about our own life… Tragic is the existence of he who dies without having known the purpose of his life. Each one of us must discover for himself the purpose of his own life…
Samael Aun Weor

1 comment:

  1. This is such a beautiful statement made by the Master Samael. I have been a part of this center for about ten years and feel inspired to comment on the changes it has brought to my life. Ten years ago I was blessed by a flyer that caught my attention and today I am on the way to knowing parts of my true self that I had no idea ever even existed. A simple flyer... its amazing what can come of such a simple thing. I would like to give my sincerest Thanks and Love to Rene and Laura for all they have done for me and the rest of our brethren. God Bless.
