Open Lecture
this coming Friday, January 20, 2012, at 7:00 PM
The Zen of Solving Conflicts
Learn how to solve problems intelligently.
![Alexander the Great of Macedon cuts the Gordian Knot in the Temple of Zeus.]( |
Alexander the Great breaks the Gordian Knot |
"The time for us to learn how to solve our problems has arrived. Many problems exist: economic, social, moral, political, religious, family related, etc. and we should learn to solve them intelligently. The important thing to remember for the solution of every problem is to not become identified with the problem..."
"...We need peace and we should study this in depth. We need to investigate the principal factor that puts an end to peace inside and outside ourselves. We need to discover what causes the conflict. The time has arrived to comprehend in depth at all levels of the mind the infinite contradictions which we have within, because that is the principal factor of discord and conflict. By comprehending in depth the cause of an illness, we cure the patient. Knowing in depth the cause of the conflict, we do away with the conflict: peace is the result."
"Within and around us, thousands of conflict-forming contradictions exist. Truly, what exists within us also exists in society, because—as we have said so many times—society is an extension of the individual. If there is contradiction and conflict within us, then these also exist in society."
"The state of contradiction engenders conflict, pain, moral misery, absurd actions, violence, murmuring, lies, gossip, etc. The state of contradiction can never bring us peace in life. A man without peace can never solve his problems. You need to intelligently solve your problems, and therefore it is urgent that you have peace constantly."
"We first need to solve the causes of the contradiction in order to end the conflicts. Only in this manner will peace arrive, and with it the solutions of the problems."
Seated in a comfortable chair or lying down in your bed, close your eyes. Then concentrate on your interior, studying yourself, investigating your desires, your contradictions.
It is necessary for you to comprehend what your contradictory desires are, so that you may know in this manner the causes of your internal conflicts. Peace of mind comes from the knowledge of the causes of the mental conflict. Practice this simple exercise daily. It is necessary that you know yourself. May peace be with you!
From the book Introduction to Gnosis by Samael Aun Weor