May this Thanksgiving be...

The American Thanksgiving is a day in one part of the world that gives us cause to remember a glorious virtue. Thanksgiving is the perfect time for us to reflect on what gratitude, and its lack of, means to us.  How it affects our everyday lives, and how it affects our civilization.

Master Samael expounds beautifully and in so many ways just what gratitude is. Repeatedly, he explains the positive effects of this important virtue. For example in Pistis Sophia Unveiled, we read:
“The force of gratitude makes the plant germinate in the orchard of the gnostic ascetic.
The force of gratitude makes the plant bear its fruits.
The force of cosmic gratitude makes the universal life fertile.
In some way we must express our gratitude to the Creator.
Our Intimate God deserves our eternal gratitude.”
All the greatest Masters of all time, Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, Mohammed, Quetzalcoatl…. all of them have given everything to bring us the truth of gratitude.
“Let us rise up and be thankful, for if we didn't learn a lot today, at least we learned a little, and if we didn't learn a little, at least we didn't get sick, and if we got sick, at least we didn't die; so, let us all be thankful.”
Festivals for giving thanks have been celebrated since ancient times and all cultures. The ancient Chinese held a harvest festival called Chung Ch'ui to celebrate the harvest moon.  In the Jewish culture a harvest festival called Sukkot has been celebrated for 3,000 years. Ancient Egyptians held a harvest festival in honor of Min, the god of vegetation and fertility. In the British Isles, the major Thanksgiving forerunner was a harvest festival called Lammas Day, named for the Old English words for "loaf" and "mass." Indigenous tribes to this day celebrate a variety of thanks-giving festivals throughout the year to express their gratitude to the Creator.

May this holiday be an opportunity to cultivate gratitude; may this holiday be not about one event in history, but an occasion to celebrate that force within us that is blessing our lives every moment; for our very life is a blessing!
Thanks to the Spirit of Fire it is possible to receive the Mysteries and inherit the Kingdom of Light.
- Samael Aun Weor